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Week 2.


Back from mid-semester break and it was quite difficult to get back into it. This week we had spokespeople from both of the health services. They each explained what their services provided, what they have done, what they would like to see and the barriers.
It was quite interesting listening to them and having our questions answered. I had a few assumptions regarding the services which were clarified. One thing I found interesting was that the university and the services are separate entities. They have to request information and cannot access it freely.
Another thing I found interesting is that both of the services believed that their services ran pretty well and hadn’t received any negative feedback. From my undergraduate, I knew that simply wasn’t true. It seems they only receive good feedback and not the negative. It will be interesting to see the responses from the people we intercept. Could there be something there? The only “feedback” system they have in place is are the rank system, where you select the corresponding face indicating the type of service you received.
The international students have to pay for these services themselves, which is quite interesting. It is included in their insurance. Also, international students seem to use the services less.

We also were able to clarify a few of our intent statement. We mentioned we wanted to focus on international students but it became apparent that that would be a lot more difficult because we would have to try to find international students.

On Thursday Zoey, Alex and I met up to conduct the intercept interviews. I don’t really enjoy short interviews, you only get surface information and can’t really go in-depth. Personally, I don’t like it when people randomly come up to me and ask me questions, so I think that was at the back of my mind during the interviews.
A lot of the feedback we received confirmed our suspicions but we also received a lot of good feedback.
For example, one participant worked in the Maori Liasion and that’s the only reason why they knew about the services. A lot of people also suggested that they use social media as a way to engage with their students and the spokesperson did not want to use social media as they feared private information might be leaked.

It will be quite interesting to unpack all of the information we collect and create a how-to statement.

Design Framework.

Four Voices Model 

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After reading Begging In Welling, I decided to use the same framework, Four Voices Model. This model views an issue from four different perspectives. Voice of Intent, who is initiating the change? In our case, it is AUT. Voice of Experience, who’s affected by the change, students at AUT. Voice of Expertise, people who have in-depth knowledge of the topic. Health clinic expertise Shona. Counselling services, Audrey. Voice of design, the team which will gather information, make sense of it and illustrate a story with all of the voices. This is us.

Double Diamond | ThinkPlace.

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